29 June 2015

Domain Driven Design!

For quite some time I’ve had this ridiculous notion of explaining some of the most often misunderstood yet core concepts of domain driven design in a lighthearted comic strip form. Why? Well, I’m just strange like that sometimes. At any rate, I haven’t had the combination of vision, time, or tools to actually do it. That is, until today.

This is far from pro work and a great deal of credit goes to the folks at Bitstrips for providing a great, free tool for generating the comic itself. My intent has always been to provide the lightest weight and visually interesting coverage of the core concepts. If I had to draw all this myself, frankly I doubt that I ever would have done it.

I shouldn’t have to say that this isn’t a comprehensive reference. I’ve tried not to stray from canon when it comes to the material, but there are some of my own opinions sprinkled in, too. You’ll also find that I don’t touch on the notion of the repository, factory, or service. I figure those are universal enough that most programmers are already familiar with each of them and tried to stick to the concepts that were a bit more difficult for beginners to understand.


Domain Driven Design comic